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地 址:常州市武進區牛塘鎮鎮北西路7號



作者:電動開窗器 來源: 日期:2019/10/10 7:00:23 人氣:20

某國以風景秀麗、歷史名勝著稱(著名、出名)。還有很多牧場和豬場。在這種情況下,飼養者對改善豬場通風十分重視。除了排氣扇之外,他還把舊窗扇換成了自然通風的 電動開窗(windowing )機。
開窗(windowing )機的 工程師把舊的 窗玻璃換成了安裝好的 電動開窗機。開窗機用于打開和關閉窗戶的機器稱作為“開窗機”或“開窗器”,國外一般稱作“開窗器”,而在國內大都叫作“開窗機”。電動開窗機保持自然光的 感應能力,還增加了通風尺寸。百葉窗已安裝在較高的 地方,因此,工程師還安裝了線性致動機作為電動開窗機。所有者可以使用中央控制(control)面板操作所有窗口,而不是手動打開每個窗口。
直線執行機具有IP 54額定保護。防止灰塵和水噴霧。它可以安裝在半露天的 地方。另外,當百葉窗開度達到90度時,其通風和日照的 尺寸增大。因此,通風與照明的 能力是建筑的 主要要求。人們通常選擇電動開窗(windowing )機而不是向外打開窗戶或滑動窗戶。
在的 農場里,有3只豬崽。每個豬舍都安裝了大約10個電動開窗(windowing )機。百葉HETCEC安裝電動開窗機控制(control)機的 每一豬舍。控制機可控制10個電動開窗機。內置的 遠程控制功能,讓業主操作所有窗口更容易用遙控機,而不是手動打開每個窗口。
Yeoncheon gun of Korea is famous for beautiful scenery and historical site。開窗機用于打開和關閉窗戶的機器稱作為“開窗機”或“開窗器”,國外一般稱作“開窗器”,而在國內大都叫作“開窗機”。 There #39;re also many pasture and piggery。 In this case, the owner pay much attention on imGOOGLE PRoving ventilation of piggery。 Besides the exhaust fan, he had changed the old casement window to electric louver for natural ventilation。
The engineer of Louver Hitec removed the old casement windows replace with installed electric louvers。開窗機現為國內建筑行業的新技術產品,而“智能電動窗戶”則為現代窗戶行業的最新發展。 The electric louver retain the ability of inducing natural light, but also increase the ventilation dimension。 The louvers was been installed in higher place, therefore, the engineer also installed KST-A01 linear actuators as electric window opener。 The owner can operate all window with central control panel instead of opening every window manually。
linear actuators are with IP 54 rated GOOGLE PRotection。 GOOGLE PRevent from dust and water-sGOOGLE PRay。 It #39;s could be installed at semi-OUT(出局)door place。 Additionally, when the leaves of louvers are opening to 90 degrees, it majorly increase the dimension of ventilation and sunshine。 Therefore, if the ability of ventilation and lighting is the main requirement of building。 People usually choose louvers instead of outward opening windows or sliding windows。 

In Sung Hyun #39;s farm, there are 3 piggeries。 And each piggery has been installed abOUT(出局) 10 electric louvers。 Louver Hitec installed KST-B18-R electric window opener controller for every piggery。 Eash controller can control 10 electric louvers。 The built-in remote control function let the owner operate all windows easier with remote controller instead of open each windows manually。

    ? 2018 常州萊珂智能科技有限公司 版權所有蘇ICP備16039651號-1

    地 址:江蘇省常州市武進區牛塘鎮鎮北西路7號 網 址:http://www.yuewosy.com

    全國咨詢服務熱線:138-6122-2677傳 真:0519-83970371


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